Wednesday, August 29, 2012


In Make a Change Flag Football League, it seems like many objectives are being pursued. Yet there is one in specific that started this whole project to even begin with. “The objective is to maximize profits, not sales. Therefore, the company must weigh the benefits of providing higher levels of service against the costs.” Page 330 Marketing: An Introduction. Helping people help others is what this whole event is about. More over, the way we are trying to achieve this, is with donating to the many charities people believe in the most, therefore the more we can raise, the more these people are going to be helping. “A firm must be careful not to make growth itself an objective. The company’s objective must be to manage “profitable growth.” Page 45 Marketing: An Introduction. The objective of Make a Change Flag Football League is not to raise fees and cost even if more capital is needed. Never the less the more individuals in the community get involved the more funds Make a change Flag Football League is going to obtain. All things considered the more people the more funds the more people being helped. It all comes back to helping people helping others. Again it seems like the objective of Make a Change Flag Football League branch out into many smaller objective. On the other hand, perhaps more importantly, getting more members in the community involved is what this is all about. More than helping the charities, it’s about helping the people come together that is going to help such charities. As long as Make a Change Flag Football League gather as man people as possible, their objective will be achieved, therefore helping them help others.

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