People now in days just don't pay attention to anything printed anymore. Personally I can't recall the last time I read a poster or a flyer. I usually consider that as useless trash. Everyone seems to be really concentrated ether on their laptops and their smart phones. They look at those screens 24/7 and look at nothing else. As sad this can be, this technological era is actually a good time to put a product like the one the Make a Change Flag Football League offers. Millions of people are always logged in in social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For which is why is our plan to contact our costumer in that way. We will get them to like us, like what we have to say and what we have to offer. Also this is a great opportunity to hear what they have to say for which is why we will not just talk non stop but we will also listen and pay attention to their needs. We will keep them informed of everything that is going on with our event, and also share with them every single thing that happens, such like new members joining or anything like that, giving them a chance to comment on everything we do and determine from there if everything we do is adequate for them.
Twitter: @makechangeflag
Instagram: @makechangeflag
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