People buy from companies. Companies buy from even bigger companies. But what is the difference between them both? "Most of GE’s business comes not from final consumers but from commercial
and industrial customers across a wide range of industries." Page 158 on Marketing: An Introduction. Big companies as GE have a higher interest in other companies over small consumer, since is those big companies that buy millions of dollars at once for their product. Then those small companies treat with consumers, which gives them the money to, again, buy from the big companies and the cycle continues.
"At a general level, marketing medical
imaging technology or diesel locomotives to business customers is like
selling refrigerators to final buyers." Page 158. Both business and consumers have similar ways of buying different objects. They both have the same objective, cheapest, best quality of anything they can get. For business is transportation, sometimes big mass merchandise and other heavy duty machinery. For costumers is smaller things, such as household items, food, and even electronics. Same objective, different subjects. "buyers carefully scrutinize factors such as cost, fuel efficiency, and reliability." Page 158. And they can both be very similar, looking for details. details such as which is going to last longer, which one works faster, better, stronger, at the end, which one is the best deal. Business and consumers can be as different as they can be similar when it comes to buying, and at the end the whole consumerism is one big cycle.
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