Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 6 EOC: Me x 3

Brands are as important to me as to everybody else. Even if we don't realize it we are always leaning towards a specific brand over the other. My main three are very specific stuff I ether use or consume on the daily and I couldn't use any other brand just because I do believe that no other brand would satisfy me as much as these brands do.

"Companies today recognize that they cannot appeal to all buyers in the marketplace, or at least not all buyers in the same way." Page 175 Marketing: An Introduction. Vans "Off The Wall" shoes is the only brand I personally use. No other shoe is as comfortable, neat and appealing to me as they are. Founded in 1966, Paul Van Doren instantly turned a good cheap shoe into a fad. Yer this brand is not suited for everyone. It is specially marketed to the skateboard lifestyle.

"The companies themselves vary widely in their abilities to serve different segments of the market." Page 175 Marketing: An Introduction. Coka-Cola is not just my choice of drink, it is THE only drink. Whenever I'm offered any other brand of soda I instantly feel offended to some extent. Coka-Cola is marked to be the drink for every occasion, if there is some kind of gathering going on, be sure that this is the drink of choice.

"It must design customer-driven marketing strategies that build the right relationships with the right customers." Page 175 Marketing: An Introduction. Without my MacBook pro, I don't think I would even be able to function in real life. Designed by Apple, there is no other computer I would eve like to use, if I ever do is for pure obligation. Moreover, every Mac computer is acceptable as well because Apple is just the way to go when it comes to technology. I do also plan on acquiring an Iphone, needless to say also designed by Apple, this would be my culmination to the whole set of Apple products in my collection.

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